Saturday, October 27, 2018


Today is but tomorrow’s yesterday.
Time, to us , only a directional fluid linearity
with reality a function of perception,
governed by present limitations of thinking.

As yesterdays mount,
they push older perceptions to fading obscurity,
leaving only scribes and images to
tinder memories back  to life again.

Give thought to the existence
of those yesterdays as extant realities,
those multiple realities still all in matrix,
where time is a non constrained function.

All possibilities remain in a well, real and forever,
dimensional infinities side by side, intertwined
as a tesseract, always changing as yesterdays
expand the eternal forward, back, and every simultaneous way.

Life is beyond the here and now,
transcending physical mortality.
we only now explore space
as we expand being.

There will come  tomorrow where
we also explore time as another dimension
with reality as abstract with no constraints.
Yesterday is/was/will be merely a bookmark in the continuum.

If I can think it, It is.        
                                                                           -Jerry Wendt 2018