The trouble with a lot of comparisons to physical objects are too simplistic . Even the nametags are misleading like "wormhole" or "event horizon" It takes a physicist or Unified field theorist to get a handle and even then, not.
Some of the forward thinkers even are extrapolating metaphysics into equations . Think sort of modified Chaos Theory.
I had an experience that made me open my mind. A couple years ago my upscale Santa Cruz pals gave me a birthday present of an "alignment" with their message therapist. I am thinking "quack" and even more, but so as not to offend them (well her anyway) I enter this place which is all new age music, bamboo plants,chimes,and dripping water . Oh, and colored lights. A grand venue for an acid trip on another occasion.. O.K, I'm in and they have me up on this table that I fear falling off from, it's so narrow. "Whew, clothes all remain on"

I look around. About 5 other tables occupied with masseuse women in sarongs or such talking to clients as they work them with hands. I have been contracted to appointment with "major domo" or "swami," but who in touch with his modernity, likes to be called just "Bill" I find out he is a licensed therapist that I silently educe to myself that , in California, means he is a Sierra Club member and gives money to "Save the Whales," Oh, and he wears Birkenstocks and a "Renaissance Faire blouson shirt," But since the shirt is so loose I can see his is very muscular and has a hairy chest. He is very good looking. He also has a voice like James Earl Jones drenched in thick molasses, hearing his telling me he is finishing another client and he will be right back with me. Things
are looking up. Was Mary too cheap to spring for a naked message, I wonder?
So I lie on my rickety table and let my gaze fall upon a lady on the next table and under his spell. She has jeans that are two sizes too small making me more comfortable that I will be O.K. on this table holding up for awhile. Bill is running his fingers down her back and precipitously close to her ass crack. She lets out a little whimper every time his fingers reach their lowest travel. Oh, Hell- as he presses on, she's now moaning. I'm now apprehensive. He finished "stuffed pants lady" to her effusive praise and gets a warm (too much so?) hug from Bill. I smell patchouli.
He comes to me. I ask just what this will entail and he relates that he will align my spirit energies and ascertain "blocked points." Will this be a "deep tissue message?"
"No, first I will feel your energy flow and then note the nexus. "
He begins running his hands over (not touching) my back . I feel no disruption to my "energy flow" It's like Reiki but I don't ask cause I don't want to seem ignorant.
Bill asks " Is this O.K. with you so far?"
As long as you don't touch my ass crack, I'm all good."
"I sense your resistance to this . Are you a skeptic"
"Oh, yes."
"That's O.K... It would make it a better experience for you if you could relax."
"I'm sorry I just see no science in this, it's all a baseless tribal ceremony for money in my book. I don't want to offend you as disrespectful but I disbelieve, and am feeling nothing from this, other than discomfort"
"I understand , as your first session I am really doing what would be a metaphysical determination as a basis for future therapy. We'll do this at your comfort level. O.K.?"
At this point with "metaphysical" entering the talk, a dialogue begins. He tells me he is working with Stanford University physicists in experiments on the relation of metaphysical to physical .Holy shit. Now I'm interested and explore what he is saying. He uses a example of having a MRI. The pounding generates magnetic waves , at first of such electrical intensity, that they vibrate the whole body - tissue, and bone. The actually align the flow in a directional linear filed much as a laser makes coherent light. Geez, Bill isn't at all a nitwit. When the body is aligned in charge, the MRI machine bombards with different varying vibrations that disrupt the electrical charge alignments and creates a distortion that can be displayed as an X ray can.These varying frequencies actually create an image that can be read by trained professionals.

He goes on that these measurable magnetic resonances can be extended to "see" physical operations, and his work is in that area determining if "affliction" can be visualized by disruptions in the body's magnetic fields. The University theorists are working to determine if this is phenomena that can be measured. He uses the example of how animals can "sense" a carcinoma , a blood disease, or other event. This is where the metaphysical side enters in.
In the end I see a gimmer of light that is cutting edge for now, but no longer to me a silly dalliance of the wealthy .While I would not go back fir more, I had to admit this sent me to thinking. I don't think, however that I got a $450 revelation out of it . Now perhaps, if there was a naked option on this therapist , I'd be all in . Seriously it made me realize I need to keep an open mind about the unknown and there may, (correction; "can") be connections and causality beyond conventional thinking.
So I am more open to certain people touching my ass crack at the very least !
Is this 500 words?