Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Candy Chatter

Ah, the Whitman's Sampler. Loved as much by us kids as the recipient (Mom) because the lid had a diagram of what every piece was - precluding the dreaded vanilla cream ("You can't put it back- now just EAT it !"). There was no Godiva, Debauve & Gallais, or Chocopologie by Knipschildt- so, unless you went downtown Chicago to Marshall Fields, Whitmans was the upscale selection available. 

Though, my Mom (and others) really took a liking to those chocolate covered cherries ...that you could get even on a kids allowance at the drug store. If I had a hankering now days, I'd make em Fannie May, which has a store right in the neighboring town !

No discussion about chocolate would be complete without my beloved Frango's . Working right across the street from Field's I had easy access to their trademarked Frango candy.( They gave samples ) The Frango mint was renowned and desired nationally, but my choices were the Orange Frango and the Raspberry Frango. I cannot tell you how many trips about this country I made carrying a hostess gift of those raspberry morsels, eh Mary Dean ? While the orange met demise when Fields was bought by Macy's, you can still get those raspberry delights, which I warn you are addictive ! 

Finally, why are the Ferrero Rocher and Lindt truffles strategically placed on the route I must take in Walgreens to get my diabetic Metformin refilled at the pharmacy counter? Of course, I can be stalwart and do drive -by pick up avoiding the store, and then take a diversion route home past... er... Bakers Square ? 


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