Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Fire Truck

I had a dream. 

I was about 8 years old.  At this age I coveted having a big red metal toy Tonka fire truck.  Hook and Ladder with crank up extending ladders, and a real operating siren.  Articulated with cab and trailer.  Real rubber tires.  It was just beyond cool.

It was just before my birthday and I went to bed.  I couldn’t wait any longer .  There was this box under my bed and I got it and opened it.  Oh gosh ! - It was my Hook and Ladder.  I took it out and started to play right then and there, cranking and wheeling it all around on the floor.  I was ecstatic.  I could have played all day, but then...

Mom woke me up.  Whaaat!  Where was my fire truck?  I threw off covers and looked under my bed.  Nothing.  The whole room revealed no fire truck.  I was crushed.  I asked Mom, “What did you do with my fire truck?”  

“What Fire truck?”  

“The one I just got for my birthday.  I just was playing with it”

“Jerry, honey, your birthday isn’t till next week and there is no fire truck.  You were just dreaming.”

“NO,” I was crushed.  That whole day I kinda sheepishly searched everywhere.  No fire truck.  But it was so REAL !  I was positive it wasn’t a dream.

But it was, and I carry that memory to this day.  I learned two things.  I have a very vivid and creative imagination, and that my dreams often bring much more than some semi conscious shuffling of a sleep-reorganizing brain.

I still wake up with ideas that have formulated in sleep .  I call them “messages from my muse”.  Some of my best writing has come from that “muse.”  If I rise from a dead sleep and go write the thoughts down right then, the next day I find some amazing notes and scribbles that have turned into some of my best poems and stories.  Even descriptions of  visualizations have often become paintings or drawings.  Reality from dreams.

I do not understand it,  but it is real and I have earned to honor it with respect.  If I do not write things down immediately, they will have dissipated into ether in the morning.  Gone forever.  There are never repetitions.

Then, there is my love of reading.  Yes,  I admit to being a movie buff.  I adore visualizations in film and in static art, but it is reading a book where my mind travels to places I otherwise would never see.  Places and people come alive.  When I see a movie adapted from a book I have read, it is but a pale image.  Color never as bright.  Places never as vibrant somber or radiant . People never as interesting or fleshed out.  I really get lost in books, I live in them,  and like that dream, they seem so real to me.  Equal to any reality in my waking hours , and, yes, in full color.

If interrupted out of a deep read, I am surprised and disoriented for a few moments, because my world has been destroyed. I want that image world back.  It was so real to me.  Just like when I played with that fire engine.

I embrace my psyche.  Whatever is generating up in my brain,  I consider a gift .  Even today, when I think about that old dream, I get a warmth, a pleasure, and comfort from remembering that cool Fire Engine, even if it never was real. 

 I have come to realize sometimes the best things in life aren’t .

-Jerry Wendt 2018

...and a small but pertinent note; This very story came from “My Muse” .  I wrote the idea down, out of a deep sleep late Sunday night, and read it this morning, thinking, “This will make a great story”.  So I sat down and wrote this.  What do you think?

Saturday, June 09, 2018


With no overt attempt to offend
I wish to address
without needless finesse,
My old droopy poopy rear end.  

What in youth was a bubble,
firm, supple, and round,
as delectable as words make it sound,
now lays in a state of resounding rubble.

Once it was toasted with “Champers,”
now a lunar field of lumps
in dire need of some Botox plumps,
shrouded in adult sized Pampers.

Oh the shame of it all
Regularity has long left presence,
facing no end of penance,
rushing to make it into the stall.

Why did babies first offering gifts
go from proud treasure
to grief in no small measure,
ending in odious sniffs ?

Longing for a good solid turd
without watching my diet,
or facing anular riot-
becoming such concern is absurd.

So I tell you in sincerity
It’s a part of my whole,
and without being too droll
I have to take it with a bit of hilarity

-Jerry Wendt 2018